Bipolar II disorder is a bipolar spectrum disorder see also Bipolar disorder characterized by at least one episode of hypomania and at least one episode of .WebMD explains bipolar II disorder — also known as manic depression. Plus, symptoms, treatments, and how bipolar II is different from other types of bipolar .Unlike bipolar disorder bipolar I , bipolar II disorder is not characterized by manic episodes but by depressive episodes as well as hypomanic episodes..
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Bipolar disorder affects every aspect of life. People with bipolar disorder may be able to function fairly well in spite of mood swings between the highs of hypomania .Bipolar definition, having two poles, as the earth. See more..Take this WebMD assessment to get personalized information about treating, managing, and living with bipolar disorder..Bipolar II disorder BP-II; pronounced “type two bipolar disorder” is a bipolar spectrum disorder see also Bipolar disorder characterized by at least one episode .
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Take this WebMD assessment to get personalized information about treating, managing, and living with bipolar disorder..Bipolar is a complex illness. There are many different symptoms — and several different types — of bipolar disorder. The primary symptoms of the disorder are .Bipolar disorder is the name used to describe a set of ‘mood swing’ conditions, the most severe form of which used to be called ‘manic depression’..The DSM-IV the diagnostic Bible divides bipolar disorder into two types, rather unimaginatively labeled bipolar I and bipolar II. “Raging” and “Swinging” are.
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How Is Bipolar II Disorder Different From Other Types of Bipolar Disorder? The less-intense elevated moods in bipolar II disorder are called hypomanic episodes, or hypomania. In between episodes of hypomania and depression, many people with bipolar II disorder typically live normal .Bipolar II disorder is a bipolar spectrum disorder see also Bipolar disorder characterized by at least one episode of hypomania and at least one episode of .Unlike bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar I, bipolar II disorder is not characterized by manic episodes but by depressive episodes as well as hypomanic episodes that occur in cycles. The good news, however, is that treatment can be extremely effective in helping patients to .Bipolar II disorder is a form of mental illness. Similar to bipolar I disorder, individuals diagnosed with bipolar II disorder experience mood shifts .
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